Want love?!

I have many a girlfriends, who are all smart, independent, self – confident, funny, career oriented women; but they all have one thing in common – single and virgins!

In fact more and more women that I know today are choosing a singleton path! They want to enjoy their freedom and have their time for themselves, their money to spend on themselves. When they get their hair done or buy the sexy lingerie, they want to know that it’s for themselves and not to please an already over charged male ego!

Some have gone down the dating path, cried over broken hearts and over analyzed the actions of their now ex-boyfriends but then they put their hands up in the air and decided that they don’t need men! At least for now they are happy with their uncomplicated lives.  Wait! Did I say uncomplicated? Wasn’t that what men wanted– an uncomplicated, no relationship status on facebook where they just want to have fun with no additional baggage?

So are women turning in to their male counterparts? Has the line between men and women blurred today? Have they lost the power of feeling and love and emotion that makes women essentially who they are?

You might notice that I also mentioned in the beginning about them being virgins and trust me, they are not in a hurry to change that status! Well, I ask – why not?

That’s where the discussion becomes interesting. All of us have obsessed over the forbidden three-letter word! Everything we’ve read and everything we know and everything we’ve heard has been discussed, but they are not ready yet.

Because there’s no one to love, no one to have that sweet pillow talk with after the sweet lovemaking and no one to hold and hug the morning after.

We can’t have sex with someone we are not in love with. The vagina says – want love!